Sunday, September 26, 2004

Now that was one excellent evenin'

Alright, and now for the story about the best night out I had. Everything just fell into place for this night to be excellent. I mean it started off pretty rough because I had to work, and they were working me longer then I had anticipated or wanted so I was extremely cranky. So when I got off I went home and got dressed and ready to go out. I called a few people to see what they were up to and a few were at Tequila, and some other places I had been to before. I was supposed to call Cameron cuz he had invited me out to the Roadhouse, so I did, and sure enough he was down there and so I decided to go to the Roadhouse. Drove down, parked my car and then went and waited in line. Was interesting cuz I wasn’t allowed in as I was 18 and the Roadhouse is usually 21 and over. So I wasn’t allowed in, and I was supposed to call Cameron if I didn’t get in. So called him, and he told me to give him five minutes. So I went off and waited by the side of the place, and then I got the call to go out front. So went back out front, and just as I did one of the door guys came out and was looking for me. So Cameron had talked to the guy, and since Cameron was there for a b-day party, I was with him. So yeah, paid my cover charge and went inside. So yeah, Cameron was just inside the doors, so once I got in he pulled out a five note, and asked me for a five note as well, so I got it out, he grabbed mine and gave it to the door guy. Haha, so yeah I had to pay my way in. Excellent. But I was really surprised that Cameron covered part of that ‘tip’ so I thanked him profusely. So talked for a bit and decided what I wanted to do for the evening whether I was going to drink or go home. I told him I was there to get shyte-faced and he offered me a ride back downtown in the morning to pick up my car. So with that i went and bought some beers at the bar for Cameron and myself. So once we got our drinks, Cameron had to find a bank machine and asked me to go with him. So I did, I got a really good tour of the place through that and it seems to be really nice place and I can see myself coming back again. So as we walked we just kinda chatted, and then he found his atm and got his money. From there we went and sat down at the table that had been reserved for this birthday girl. Got introduced to them and they seem to all be pretty nice. After that Cameron and I went off to the bar and did shots of Tequila…ughhhhhhh. Thank god for chasers. Got another beer and went and sat down again. Cameron went off to the washroom, and while he was gone I pulled out my pack of cigs and was lighting one when this really, really hot girl came up and asked for one. I played hard to get with them but I mean of course I was gonna give her some. So in the end I gave her two, and just as she was hugging me Cameron came. So she went on her way and he just kinda looked at me and then looked at her walking away. The look he gave me was fantastic, it was one of “What the Hell did I just miss.” Haha, twas great. So after that we got talking, and it was just random stuff. Mostly about friends, music, life in general, and changes. And then after a bit, all the people came back and sat with us. I was talking to one of them, she seemed to be pretty nice. Anyways after a bit I just sat back and was enjoying my beer. It was then that Cameron grabbed my chin, turned my face to his and then kissed me. I mean it was a full on kiss, there was no tongue but I mean, it caught me off guard. So yeah, turns out the b-day girl gave him ten bucks for that, so Cameron went and bought me a beer. Hmph I say. But I do have to admit it was a pretty good kiss as odd as that may sound. And I know I am gonna get kicked by some people for saying that too! :-S Anyways. After he came back with the beer we sat and talked some more. Now that was a good conversation. Definetly was a Heart-To-Heart. Learned a bit more about the mystery that is Cameron. Ah well. Got invited out to Montreal for New Years though, so that is kinda cool. I just might take him up on his offer about that. And yeah, afterwards we got up and went to the bar. Did shots of Tequila and of Jager. Oh my god, so much alcohol, and also got more beer. So I had to go to the washroom after that, as did Cameron so went downstairs and just talked some more. So while we were both washing our hands and just talking, I brought up the subject of the coat that he wanted to sell. And asked what he wanted for it. So we chatted about that for a while, and the guy who was handing out the paper towels was obviously listening cuz he wanted to know what exactly we were talking about. Haha, it must have sounded so dirty, two guys talking about paying eachother and when. I can only imagine what was going through his head. But anyways when he asked us what we were talking about both Cameron and I turned to him and answered “A Coat!” and then went back to working out the details. The towel guy just left us alone after that. So went back upstairs and went out to the dance floor. I just danced with a few people for a while and then was grabbed off the dance floor again by Cameron for more drinks. Haha, we both spent sooooo much money that night. Finished the drinks and went back to the dance floor again. Danced for a while and then Melissa showed up! I was glad to see her, she is always so much fun. So danced some more and then Melissa, Cameron and I went and sat down for a while. Went to a quiet place near the back of the bar and just sat and talked for a while. Mostly it was about his leaving for Montreal and making plans to come out to Calgary, or to go to Montreal. He then extended the invitation for New Years again, and it looks like Melissa will definitely be going. I will have to think about it, it would be nice, but still. It’s not like I’ve known him for years or anything so I mean he honestly isn’t one of my best friends, a good friend yes, but not best. Despite the fact that he says that I am one of his best friends a trip out to Montreal just to see him just doesn’t make sense. But I mean there are reasons for me to go. I have family out there, I am planning on going to University there in a few years, and I have other friends in Montreal as well. So I mean going to Montreal would be fun for New Years, and I seriously do see myself going. But I will have to wait and see. Anyways, so we talked for quite a while and after a bit I got somewhat bored so I went off and wandered around the place for a bit. Went out to the dance floor and danced for a bit, and then I got a call from Cameron asking me to come back to Melissa and him. So after the song was finished I headed back over to the table and we all chatted some more, and then decided it was time to leave. So we got our stuff together and grabbed a cab back to his place. So this time I got upgraded to a bed instead of a Futon so that was kinda interesting I guess. Meh, I just wanted to sleep, but yeah cab home was uneventful. Got in and I went straight to bed. The only thing was, that my car was still downtown except Cameron had offered me a ride downtown to get my car. I had accepted his offer and went to sleep. So waking up the next morning was just fine. I woke up literally 11:10 am sharp cuz when I looked at the clock it changed just as I glanced at it. Anyways, went downstairs, Cameron’s dad was awake, he asked me how I was feeling and all, I answered him back, but I just sat myself down in front of the tv and blankly stared at it. After a while Cameron woke up and after he got ready we were off to find my car. The ride to downtown was uneventful, mostly talked about music, and about Kurt Cobain and Courtney Love. So yeah, found my car, thanked him for the ride, and I was off to go home. And that is my story about the Roadhouse.

Saturday, September 25, 2004

Awesome night indeed

This was just one of those nights that I find it very difficult to write down. It is hard to convey the overall feel of a night generally, but this night is proving to be so much more of a challenge then usual. And so, I must get on with the adventure.

So, to start things off, I was running behind. Far behind. And so I am kicking myself for that now. But oh well. It was my own stupid fault. Now to start off the overall feeling of the night, this is a conversation that occurred between me and Cameron…
C: Whazzup alkie?
A: On the way God
C: Atta boy aposole
Hehe, twas great. So I showed up at Cameron’s place an hour later than what he suggested, I thought he was going to have other people over as well. Nope, it was just him and I, which was a bit odd, but oh well. So I pulled up in front of his house and was grabbing my stuff when he came out the front door and came down to my car. He helped me carry in my beer and all that which was very nice of him. So immediately went downstairs as per normal. So once down there he gave me a beer and us two just sat and talked for a while. He asked me how his new shirt looked on him, it was an Abercrombie and Fitch that he had bought off the net. It looked fine on him and he was also wearing a toque. A toque! Apparently he isn’t a big hat person, but I must say it worked for him with what he was wearing. And we began talking about clothes and he told me to try on his new jacket. It was Diesel so he went upstairs and brought it down. Omigod, it was sooooooo nice. I mean it was really big on me, but I mean the way it felt, it was fab. I think I might just go off and get my own, though the jacket costs like $240 I think? Meh. And he also brought down another jacket, he gave it to me to try on and it fit really nicely on my body. I then asked him if it fit him and he said no. It was too small for him and he was ordering in a larger one and was going to sell it. So I put in an offer for it and he accepted it, so now I have a new winter coat! Goody gum-drops! Yeah it was regularily $150 US, and he was selling it to me for $80 Canadian. Sweeeeeeeeet. The zipper is a big buggered up, but I mean that is trivial. And it is also an Abercrombie and Fitch. So then after that went back downstairs and talked about music for a while, he had been watching School of Rock and so we were talking about the last song that they were playing and how it was going back to the roots of rock. Yeah, so somehow in that time I finished three beers and was working on my fourth. So he had called a taxi and while we were waiting we both had a smoke in his basement kinda as a chaser for everything. So yeah the conversation we had was pretty good. And then we both went outside and waited for the taxi. I was wearing the new jacket just as a test drive sorta thing. It was quite warm indeed. So the taxi showed up and us two climbed into it. Cameron told him where to go and the driver just looked at us really weird. Right, uhm, we were going to Detours for Kink night before we were going to go to Dena’s party. But I mean we were not dressed at all for kink, we both looked pretty preppy and innocent indeed. Anyways, had another good talk in the cab on the way down, it was just about random stuff, but every so often the cab driver would burst out laughing, he prolly thought we were lovers or something. Hahaaaa. Anyways got down there, Cameron payed for the coat check and I bought the first round of Jager and beer. So we both went down to the booth but it was taken, so we sat across from it. What an interesting couple we must of looked like haha. Anyways after a while he got up and asked me to come with him, we just sorta wandered around the place, and then he got a phone call so he ducked into a crany in the bar. So while I was waiting for him, I was perched up against the wall, and was leaning on a shelf, and was drinking my beer. Twas great when the guys walked by and looked back at me. Made me feel like, feel like…desired! I mean this one guy walked past, eyed me, kept walking, and then he turned around again, took another step and then stared me up again. Twas great. Then Cameron was done so we both headed to the washroom. And while I was occupied, I picked up two packages of condoms and lube, and only because there was a sucker in each package. So I broke out one sucker, and sucked on it, and then while I was washing my hands, Cameron stuffed another one into my back pocket, yeah that was odd. So went back out, he went down to the booth, and I went to get another two beers for us. So while in line the guy beside me asked how things were going and then proceeded to grab me. But damnit anyways I didn’t get a drink out of it. So I think the sucker looked good with me, as everyone kept eyeing me. Oh it was fantastic. But damnit anyways I didn’t get any drinks out of the deal. I put out, and got some nibbles but nothing good. Haha, I love myself sometimes…oh how hubris! Anyways after that went back down, talked with Cameron for a while and then Arlene showed up with her whip. So I asked to know what it was like, so I went up against the door frame and was whipped. And then Cameron took a go at it, and I was done. That was really weird actually, but oh well. And then I was checking my cell phone from time to time, and so Cameron kidnapped it and kept it too himself. So yeah, me and my cell were separated for the first time ever. How sad. And then he asked me to buy him another beer. I just looked at him and was like, “What?”
He replied with “Wanna buy me a beer?”
“No, what am I, yer servant?” was my reply
He then said “Please?”
And I tore back “Why would I buy you a beer?”
And then his answer came, “Because I said please?”
Yup, and guess what Cameron got…Nothing! Haha, don’t ask me to buy you a beer, I will buy someone a beer when I feel like it. Not when someone asks me too. So then after that sat down for a while and then it was time to go. Melissa was outside apparently so us two made our ways out. Picked up the coats and went outside. Found Melissa and grabbed a taxi and we were off for Dena’s place. Conversation was pretty quiet, it got somewhat animated at times but it was still pretty quiet. So got to Dena’s and there were a few people there. Immediately ran into Dianna running around, she had just taken a hit of E so I mean she was weirded out. Dena was there and so was this girl named Mala. Was introduced to her, and oh my, I don’t like Mala, at all. What a bitch. Ah well. So Dena and Mala were busy eating a cake made of weed, oh and Dena had been at the hospital earlier, she was climbing on her roof and a nail that was sticking out dug into her. Yeah, so she needed three stitches inside the muscle and five stitches on the surface. Doesn’t sound too pretty at all. And there was another girl there, one of Dianna’s friends her name was Natasha, she seemed really really nice. And wow, is she ever pretty. So then after that I had some water, and went and found a washroom. Everyone was everywhere, upstairs downstairs, outside. Yeah. And then I was given some E. Yeah, I did that. I dunno, it was weird. Since it had been mixed with alcohol, I dunno if that had anything to do with it, but I was lost in my own little universe. Cameron was not impressed at all. And as he said, I really don’t approve of this. My retort…”I don’t need anyone’s approval to do what I want to do…” and I think he was alright with that, but I mean he still said he wasn’t impressed. So anyways, Dianna was running around taking pictures, I had my picture taken of me sitting on a couch, and then one of my eyes, so that was great. I’ll get those posted as soon as possible. But anyways, the music was so crazy, I really can’t describe it. And then I was staring off into space for a while, and then someone gave me a spoon and I started chewing on it right away. Haha, that was great. My E spoon. So anyways during one of my staring off into space incidents Cameron some comment and I said something back, oh right he was talking about me being messed and I turned around and told him, If you are gonna talk about someone, do it a bit quieter or go somewhere else. Yeah, so then soon after, I don’t know how much time was spent there, but before I knew it, it was time for me to go. Considering I was staying at Cameron’s I thought I best to go home with him. So yeah, waited outside for quite a while for the cab. I was busy looking for it and was watching the stars. Cameron was busy talking to Melissa. Awwww, those two looks so sweet together, in my opinion anyways. Yeah, so then the cab came, and I just sat in the front. Kept to myself pretty much, listened to the other conversation going on, but I was too out there to remember it at all. So got back to Cameron’s place and I immediately went to bed. And as Cameron said, I was quarantined to the basement. So I wandered around for a bit, read the liquor bottles and then went to bed. I slept pretty soundly until 5am, and then I woke up and was twitching. My jaw was clenched shut, so I forced the spoon into my mouth and just chewed it. So this went on for an hour and then at 6 am I went back to asleep again and woke up later and then drove home.

Friday, September 24, 2004

Belgains, Beer and Cowboy Hats

So, the plan tonight originally was to go to the Roadhouse. Well, that didn’t happen, just as I was about to leave, I got a call from Cameron saying that we were going to Cowboys. Apparently Dave knew some people who were going to Cowboys so off it was for Cowboys. So I was the first to arrive because I was driving, so went in and went to my usual spot. I just people watched for a bit and then I saw some people from school that I knew. And then Dave grabbed my shoulders and yelled wassup buddy? Caught me off guard and yeah, it was just Dave, Cameron and myself. So walked around for a bit, and then went and sat on the couches upstairs. Had a smoke and ordered a tray of draft. I was already working on a beer. So I didn’t really drink the heroine beer at all. So yeah, Dave and Cameron drank lots, and then they ordered a second round and then went off to go look for the people they knew. So after a while they came back and the tray arrived. So introductions were done all around. Met another girl named Kim, another girl and that girls boyfriend. So I talked with him for a while. Turns out he is from Dalhousie in Nova Scotia so we talked about the Maritimes for a while. Kim had lost her cell phone so she and that other girl were off looking for it and I had no idea where Cameron and Dave were. So that other Maritimes guy was really nice, he had beein in Calgary all of four weeks, so he was going to the U of C, and was having a great tie here. But I mean the population of Calgary is the exact same as the entire population of Nova Scotia, so of course there is going to be a lot more to do here. Kim and them came back, talked with her for a while. And then Cameron grabbed me. Dave was off with some other people, so us two went to the bar. But not before Dave gave me his cowboy hat to wear. Which reminds me, Cameron and Dave had both shown up wearing Cowboy hats. Anyways, I didn’t want anything to drink, so Cameron got his beer. I ran into the people I knew from school, said hello but I really didn’t like them to begin with so I left pretty much right away. I had to use the washroom, so I went downstairs, Cameron had to go to, so yeah. I still find it odd to have a chat with someone while taking a piss. I dunno if its just me, but I find not uncomfortable, but just weird. So yeah, while waiting to wash the hands, Cameron began talking to this guy. Turns out he had won the Fear No Beer competition earlier so that was really cool. He had unlimited draft all night, and he was off to the finals for something. So finished the washroom and headed to the bar. Dave then found us, so we all had a half glass of draft. After that said thanks to the guy and we were off again. Dave found some people he knew, so he began talking to them. I turned around and began talking to the guy beside me, I had no clue who he was, but yeah. Turns out he was from Belgium, and there was a group of the at Cowboys that night. So that was cool. He introduced me to the rest of them, and they constantly had rounds of draft coming in. So then Cameron began to talking to them too, or maybe we both started talking to them at the same time. I dunno, I wasn’t really paying attention. So that was really cool to be talking to them. And they kept handing me beer and I had to keep turning it down. In the time I was there, at least three trays came. It was insane, I payed for one of them, only because Cameron kept drinking so much. But they kept calling me cowboy because of the hat and because I live in the country. I thought it was rather entertaining. So lots of pictures were taken, hey, maybe I can get a few of them off of them. I sit beside one of them in the library a lot so maybe he can send me a few. More pictures! Excellent. Anyways, so some line dancing songs came on, so I went off and danced to them. Twas quite fun indeed. Made a complete ass out of myself while I was trying to learn them. Anyways after they were finished, I went back to the table and talked to them some more. My god I love Belgians. Free beer, good times…no, great times! Anyways after that it was time to leave, Dave was so messed up so we had to leave. So the original plan of meeting some girls didn’t happen, and I brought this up on the drive home with them, yeah I was dropping Cameron and Dave off at their respective homes. And they were like, well, we are too messed to have done anything anyways, so it was a guys night out. Came there only with guys, and left only with guys. I just snickered. Guys night out…hahahaaaa….what a great night out. So we stopped at Wendy’s on the way back, Dave was kind enough to pay for Cameron’s and my food. So Cameron got like three junior bacon cheeseburgers, I had two, and dave got three junior bacon cheese burgers and two biggie fries and a drink. Oh that was great. I parked and ate my food and then went off driving. It was a nice night out, so I had the sunroof open. I still had the plates in the backs eat from the previous week from the pizza at outlaws, so Cameron was biting them and ripping them apart and then was tossing the pieces out the roof. And he did this with other utensils and random pieces of garbage. He then asked me if I wanted my shoes, and I was like YES! So he didn’t toss them out of the roof. And then he wanted to know if it was alright if my textbooks went out. I didn’t answer and just glared at him in the mirror, he took the hint and just laughed. Dave was having a grand time eating and drinking his food. And then Cameron found my water bottle and he decided to pour some of it out the sunroof. That didn’t work too well as it all came back in through the roof. It just poured down on all of us, there was water everywhere, my hair was soaked, the chair was wet, Dave was soaked, and so was Cameron’s pants. So I yelled at him and asked what he was doing, and I pulled over. The only thing he did was he showed me the water bottle, and then he grinned and said, “How the hell did that much water make us so wet?” The level of water in the bottle, which had been full, wasn’t even halfway down the domed top. So like hardly any water had actually come out, yet we were all soaked. That became a point of ponderance as we all wondered aloud how the hell we were so wet. So I dropped Dave off, Cameron jumped out and went and used his bathroom. I tried to make an attempt at cleaning the water but it was just about useless. Cameron came back and we were off for his place. Just talked about random stuff and planned out the next night. Anyways, dropped him off, he thanked me for the ride, and I was off for home. It was a nice ride, except for the fact I was wet. Ah well. It was a really fun night, and that is all that matters.

Sunday, September 19, 2004

Good times, Good times...

Tonight was fun. Omigosh, so much fun. So I managed to get off work fairly early, tried calling Alley to see if there was anything going on that night, except I couldn’t get a hold of her so I tried calling Dianna, except her phone wasn’t really working that well so I couldn’t get through to her. So I gave Cameron a quick text and soon enough I found out that everyone was over at Alley’s house, so I got directions and went to her place. So Dianna, Alley, Jill, another girl and Cameron were there. They were all in the basement watching Buffy the Vampire Slayer, so met Alley at the door. Went downstairs and sat on the couch. Cameron invited me to go sit beside him, but I just gave him a weird look and said no thanks. He just smiled and nodded. Said hi to Dianna except she wasn’t really in a talkative mood that night so whatever. Alley was busy doing her friend’s nails. Jill was busy downing her alcohol and Cameron was enjoying his beer. So we were all just randomly talking and whatnot. And then I got a text from Dianna, she was just responding to one that I had sent off earlier to her. And instead of talking she just kinda messaged me back. I thought it was rather entertaining, except Cameron thought it was sad. So Buffy was pretty good. I enjoyed it. Then one of Alley’s cats came downstairs and Cameron just looked at it and said “Hello Dinner!” I just gave him a disgusted look and said “NooooOOOOooooo!” he just laughed at me and Jill piped up with “Wow, you still don’t know him all that well, since he can still get a response out of you!” I gave her a dirty look then. So everyone was flipping through Avon catalogoues because Alley is starting to sell their products. So that was entertaining. And then we were talking about something and then Cameron did some weird voice thing. I just looked at him and asked him to do it again. So instead of just doing the sound, he went into some whole monologue. Something about floating down the river on a raft, and going “Haaaayuck!” made me laugh. And then we got talking about Bif Naked and her show coming up, wow I am so stoked for that show! So after that moved into a conversation bout George Lucas and Star Wars. It was mostly between Cameron and myself, but mostly it was about how the new ones really suck compared to the older ones. So it turns out George Lucas had hardly any artistic and directive control in the original three. In fact he didn’t even direct them apparently. And then after that moved into a conversation about Good lookin teachers and how every school will have at least on. Yeah this one focused around one that was on Buffy. And so when that episode was finished it was decided that it was a good time to go down to Outlaws. It was already 11:15 so it was getting ‘late’ so Dianna had to go home, so Jill and Cameron climbed into my car. So off we were for Outlaws. So I was going down Anderson and saw the exit, except I was three lanes over so literally turned straight into it. And then I almost took the wrong turnoff onto Macleod Trail so I had to swerve again. Got lots of compliments on my driving. Cameron liked it, Jill said that she didn’t have enough alcohol in her yet to be driving the way I was. So got down to Outlaws, got a discount to get in, 5 bucks for all three of us. Twas good. So went in and went straight to the bar. Cameron almost immediately did two shots of Jager and got a beer. I got myself a red-bull and Vodka and just sipped on that all night. From there Jill went off to the washroom or something, so Cameron and I went up to the bar up the stairs and just sat and talked for a while. Was a good conversation, actually it turned into a heart to heart kinda things. Then Jill came up to where we were and we all chatted for a bit, and then Jill spotted some of her friends who we were meeting. So went down and did introductions. So there was Kim, some other chic who I have met a few times, and then this guy. So yeah, everyone went to the bar, Cameron bought some drinks and then he and I shared a smoke. I finished off my Red Bull and yeah, so talked with Jill for a bit, introduced myself to the other guy and we all just stood around and talked for quite a while. And then everyone went off dancing somewhere. So that was fun indeed. I danced for a while and then Cameron grabbed me and off we went to the bar yet again. He bought some Tequila and bought me a beer, in return I bought him a shot of Tequila. And then everyone else came back to the bar. More drinks all around and then it was back out to the dance floor yet again. So Jill and Kim were dancing on one of those speaker/box thingies and then they grabbed me and pulled me up to start dancing with them. So I danced mostly with Jill, and then Kim joined in as well, and before I knew what was going on there was a sandwich thing going on, I don’t know what the name of it is, but Jill was in the front, I was in the middle, and Kim was in behind me. That was fun, Cameron took a picture of that, so once I get that I will post it up here. Which hopefully will be soon. So soon after we all got off and just danced for a bit. And then I got tired so I went off to get some watere, c ame back and everyone was gone, but I spotted Cameron at the bar, so joined him there, from there we went back up to the table we were sitting at earlier and had another talk. Was about the same as last time round. Went for quite a while actually and then Cameron got a phone call from Jill wondering where we were, so went back down and found them at the bar. Everyone was just talking again, and then Jill, Kim and that other girl went off to the washroom, so Cameron talked to that other guy for a while and I had to go off to the washroom. When I came back, Cameron was sitting at a table and he called me over to sit with him. Did so and had yet another heart to heart. Kim and Jill came back, and we all hit the dance floor. Was good fun. Then I went off for some more water and on my way back Cameron grabbed me, he got this discount for one of those airbrush tattoos that they were doing, so went over to the booth, and he picked out his tattoo. Was the batman sign, which didn’t surprise me at all. Considering one of his nicknames is batman. And it was at that point that he called me the Robin-to-be. Kinda caught me off guard considering Nancy is the original Robin, but whatever. And then the Bacardi girls came by, wow, definetly some yummy eye candy. Cameron got a picture with them. And then he got his tattoo. Went back to the dance floor. I found Jill and danced with her for most of the night. She is a pretty good dancer actually and it was a lot of fun to be dancing with her. The music was pretty good and I really had a very enjoyable time. Danced for quite a while actually and then it was tie to go. So Jill, Cameron and I said our good-byes and left. On the way back to my car we made a slight detour and grabbed some pizza. Sat in my car for a while and just ate it. Was pretty good pizza. Cameron was in the back seat, all sprawled out, was actually a pretty funny sight. Talked for a while with Jill while I ate my pizza. And then we were off, dropped Jill off at home, and then drove Cameron home, had yet another good conversation. And when I say conversation I mean like something meaningful, not just blah blah small talk. So there is a difference. And so after he was out of the car, I drove home. Was another gorgeous night, except there weren’t any good songs on the radio so that made me kinda sad. Ah well, it was a great night full anyways, and that is all that matters.

Saturday, September 18, 2004

Back to Coyotes, but no Bif this time :-(

So yeah. Tonight was me being DD. Yippee! So yeah, had to work for a bit, but then I got off. I called up Dianna to see what she was doing, she was at Tequila after getting a limo package. So yeah had been at Tequila the night before so I called up Cameron to see what was going on. So he was having a few people at his place before they were all going to go to Coyotes. So I got there and yeah so Ty, Rebecca, Dave, and Dena were there. So yeah, was there for a bit and then everyone headed off. Rebecca was also driving down so Ty, Dave, and Cameron went with her, and Dena went with me. So they had to stop at a cash machine before so that was fun. After that we were all off fro Coyotes. So getting down to the bar itself was quite an adventure. No one in the first car knew exactly how to get there. Did a lot of turning around, and at one point ended up driving onto a sidewalk and over the curb. Now that was interesting. So finally made it down to the club. Had to wait in line for a little bit and then got in. The place was practically packed full of people. It was crazy. So everyone headed to the back of the bar and we kinda found a table. Dena had some colts with her so she and I were sharing them. So I basically talked with Rebecca and Dena for a while. Was alright. Dave, Ty and Cameron were busy trying to punch eachother in the nards. Was quite entertaining. Except don’t laugh when one of them gets hurt, especially Cameron. He came after me and attempted to hit me…he missed. So yeah after that some pictures were taken and then everyone hit up the dance floor. So I was dancing with Dena and then Cameron yelled out beside me and he was jumping around grabbing his crotch. Apparently Dave had got him really really good. I was laughing, and then he asked me if I was laughing at him and I said yes. Again he tried to hit me, he missed. So I went back to dancing, and just then he hit me. OMIGOD! It hurt so bad. I wanted to fall over. *Whimper* So recovered to a certain extent and then went off somewhere to get a drink. Came back to the dance floor, everyone was gone, Dena was with me, so us two went off and started looking for some people. Found some people dancing, so Dena and I joined them. Twas fun. I stayed for all the good songs and danced with Dena. Then they made an announcement that anyone with a Student ID card was eligible to get a VIP card for the bar So Rebecca and I went up, stood in line, put our names down. And yeah, so I still don’t have anything so I guess it was just a publicity stunt. So after that all the good songs were done so Dena and I went to the back bar at the top. So she got her drink, and I smoked my colt and then we went over and talked with the rest of the group we came with who were sitting on the other side of the bar. Yeah, and then Britt, Jake, some Druggie Dealer and another girl showed up. I talked with Jake for a while. And then I went off to find some place to sit and just people watch. Yeah, I was bored, but oh well. I was being messaged by Dianna to come down to Tequila. But since I was a DD, I didn’t think it best to go. So then I ran into Dena somewhere so she and I went off and talked for a bit. Yeah, and then I got bored so I went off again. Continuously ran into Britt, Jake and them on my rounds about the bar. Ran into Cameron but I didn’t say anything. So yeah. Ran into Dena, talked to her for some more, and then I went off and people watched some more. My god, drunk people are soooooo funny. Heheheeeee, I got lots of good laughs that night. And then someone grabbed my shoulder and spun me around, and yeah twas Cameron, he told me to follow him so I did. I was told to go off and look for Britt, Jake and them. Found them by the bar, gave them Cameron’s request and they promptly went somewhere else, and just as they left Cameron came around looking at me strangely and asked me where they went, I still had them in sight so I just pointed them out to him. He went and had a few words with them and then he came back and told me to look out for Dave as we were getting ready to leave soon. So I tried looking, no luck, Cameron also came back empty handed with no Dave, so I went outside and waited by the front door. Britt, Jake and them came out, waited for a bit and then headed to Britt’s car. Cameron came out with Dave, Ty and Rebecca and yeah. They got a bunch of hot-dogs and we were on our way. Dena didn’t come with us, and Cameron went off with Britt. Rebecca and Ty were going to have a very serious heart to heart, so it was Dave and I. We made a pit-stop at Wendy’s and then we were on our way again. So the plan was for everyone to go to the lake and then just play it from there. So Dave and I were the first ones to show up, he had the keys ot the lake so he got out and opened them up. Then Ty and Rebecca showed up, Dave was actually surprised that they did. And then last was Britt, Jake, Cameron and them. So we all got out, Ty and Rebecca headed off for home, and so the rest of us went in and wandered around the lake. Nothing much happened at all. Just kinda talked and chatted and laughed and cracked some jokes. So yeah, lasted for about half an hour before it was decided to go home. So So Cameron was gonna go with me and Dave was gonna walk home. Except that quickly changed so Dave climbed in on top of Dave. Now those two certainly were cozy and it was quite entertaining to watch. Except Cameron couldn’t breath, so that was like great. Dropped off Dave and then Cameron and I were off for his place. Had a good talk on the way there, and so dropped him off and I went home myself. I cranked up my music, opened the sunroof and just enjoyed the night air and the ride home. Twas a beautiful night to drive home indeed.

Friday, September 17, 2004

If only school were like this *sigh*

Back to school bash at Tequila. If you look at one of my earlier entries, you will see a poster advertising “Calgary’s Biggest Back to School Bash at Tequila Nightclub.” I said I was going to go, and so I went indeed. I parked my car at Dianna’s place and then us two drove down to Cameron’s place and picked him up. And from there we headed down to Tequila. Convo’s on the way down were fun. I was invited out to an airsoft game sometime. I think I might take Cameron up on his invitation, but I don’t know for sure though. I’ll play it by ear. Anyways turns out that he just bought some new guns as well and that is why he is able to invite some people out. Anyways, he was telling Dianna and I about all of his new purchases with his credit card. Wow, those credit cards sound dangerous. But hey, whatever works for people. Anyways, made it down to Tequila Cameron had some drink tabs, so if I had paid for my door cover, then I could have $25 in free drinks. So I paid my cover, and got my drink tickets, Cameron did the same thing and so he started off with Tequila poppers and kokanee. Yum Yum. Oh and some of Dianna’s friends showed up. Laura, Noah, and some other people. Anyways on one of my rounds about Tequila I heard my name being shouted out, so I turned around and there was Chris and John from school. Twas nice to run into them. Turns out that a mutual friend named Riley had just turned 18 so they had taken him out to the bar. So after a bit of small talk I was off on my way again. Found Cameron and we just kinda talked for a bit. And then we went up for some more tequila and beer. On my way back to wherever, stopped by John and Chris and talked to them for a bit, and then Riley came back with some more beer. Yeah, was nice to see him again. Then I went off yet again. Ended up on the dance floor and just danced basically. Went on for a while and then I was pulled off the floor by Cameron, so he and I went outside, oh and Dianna came as well. So we had a smoke and then Dianna went back in. So Cameron, another gu, and myself had a little pow-wow. Apparently Cameron was in a lot of shit with some guy in the club. He had been introduced to some girl earlier in the evening and apparently when he was introduced to her boyfriend he gave the bf a dirty look. And now the boyfriend and his group of friends wanted to fight Cameron. That was dandy. So I was given a specific role to play, if any shit was t go down, I was to go and get a bouncer right away. Cameron actually went up and talked to one of the bouncers and passed on the situation. Bouncer said that he would be removed from the club for the night, but not permanently. After that I headed back inside, talked to Dianna, and the Girlfriend who started it all. Yeah turns out I was also in some trouble as well. Guilty by association I guess. Like Cameron didn’t really have a problem he had been in similar situations before, but the fact that there was at least five of them, versus one. Well, it was iffy. Anyways, I was out dancing on the floor again, got introduced to the boyfriend and some of his friends. Went alright. Found Riley again, gave him some VIP passes for Tequila. After that Cameron and I went back outside to the Patio. Met some guys from Winnipeg who were in town. Had a good time talking to them. They seemed really nice, they wanted to know some good bars in town and other random stuff. And yeah, shared a smoke with Cameron and soon after that, Dianna, Cameron, one of the Winnipegers and I were off for a different bar. We ended up at the Night Gallery. Interesting place. I don’t know if I would be a regular there or not. I didn’t have enough cash on me for my door cover, so Cameron covered it for me. I hate being in debt to other people. But meh. Went in and basically just danced the whole time. I danced only with Dianna though, so I mean we were both bored out of our minds. Cameron was running around trying to find people to buy him beer. And some guy named Scott was also there, and apparently people are wondering if Cameron and Scott are dating. I thought that was rather entertaining. Anyways, Scott also gave Cameron a pill of speed so yeah, at least Cameron was smart and didn’t take it that night. So a few minutes later Cameron was ready to go, so off we went. The drive home was rather uneventful it was mostly about trying to find some time in order for that speed to be put to good use. So yeah, dropped Cameron off at home, and then Dianna and I went back to her place, and I just ended up crashing there.

Tuesday, September 14, 2004

The best game you can name is the Good ol Hockey Game!

Hockey. Need I say more? I think not. So today was the final game of the World Cup of Hockey series, which unfortunately looks as though it is going to be the last bit of hockey for a while. Anyways, so earlier in the day I called up Dianna seeing if she was interested in going to watch the game somewhere, she was game, and I also messaged Cameron as well, and he said he’d stop by later. So anyways I showed up at the Rat and Parrot at around 5:40, bloody Calgary traffic, curses. Anyways, Dianna was already there, so I joined her, I just ordered some sprite and some fries so that was alright. The game was pretty good. It wasn’t anything crazy so that was kinda saddening. But oh well. So this time around I was actually able to watch the game as there were hardly any distractions, ie people talking. But I still don’t know if that was a good thing or a bad thing. So Dianna and I just had some small chit chat going on, nothing too special. Then sometime later Cameron showed. Yeah he just drank MGD all night (surprise surprise) anyways, game went on, small chit chat. Oh, yeah, texted the Sherrif a few times while she was at work, that was fun. I think the high light of the evening (other than Canada winning the tournament) was the off the cuff remark that Cameron gave during a commercial. So this commercial that was on the tv was about people hitting a gas tank at a gas station, and the price displayed falling by like 20 cents a litre. Anyways, at one point a lady driving a corvette hit the tank and she burst out laughing, and I said, if you could afford to drive a corvette, one would think you would really care what the rpice of gas is. Then Cameron piped up, “You would think if you could afford to drive a corvette, you would think you could afford the liposuction in order to fit into the corvette.” Omigod I laughed so hard after he said that. It was just so blunt it was great. And the lady wasn’t even that “oversized” ah well. Stayed for a bit, but left when the suits started blabbing into the camera. So I headed off into the sunset. Twas a fun evening indeed. A bit more tame than usual though. Meh.

Saturday, September 11, 2004

Completely Legal

So, tonight we were all going to Tequila nightclub. Or that was the plan at least. So i parked my car at Dianna's and then us two drove to Cameron's where there was a predrink going on. Anyways went inside and Dena was already there, and Cameron was busy watching Jackass the movie. So yeah, Dianna was drinking little bits, I wasn't really drinking, and Cameron was downing his beers. Then another girl, i think her name is either Kim or Jen, i can't quite recall showed up. She was drinking JD straight out of the bottle, i was like, whoa. Anyways Cameron wasn't even dressed, he was still in sweats, so he wanted someone to come and help him pick out his clothes, and somehow one person went to being everyone...weird. Anyways, after the road trip to Cameron's room i was back downstairs and just watched the movie for a bit. Then the taxi came for us, and all five of us squeezed into it, twas quite fun. Showed up at Tequila and went on inside. So did the usual, got a drink, did a bit of dancing, talked, and smoked. What fun. So the girls were off somewhere, and Cameron and I just sat and talked for a bit. And then John showed so that was interesting. Yeah, and then the girls all reappeared and we all went off to the dance floor. I danced for a bit with Dena and Dianna, and Cameron and John were also dancing but then Cameron went off, and then all the girls went off, and then it was just John and I, we looked at eachother at went off ourselves. I found Dena and Dianna, so I sat with them, I have no c lue where John went off too. So Dena was drinking some drink and she offered some to me, it was a red bull and vodka mixed drink. OMIGOD it was soooooooooo good. So even though it costs like $10.50 each I went up and bought two. They are soooooo good. Yum yum yum. After that I went off with that Kim or Jen girl (grrrr, i wish i could remember her name) anyways, we were wondering where Cameron and Dave were, so we headed upstairs to the Havana Lounge and low and behold there they were. Sat with them for a minute, had a smoke and then I went off somewhere, but ran into Dena and Dianna, so I went back upstairs with them. And at the same time that we was back upstairs, Cameron and John disappeared into the bathroom. Meh. And then I went back downstairs and danced for a while with Dianna, but then some guy began dancing with her. I just kinda let her be, I didn't know if she wanted to be rescued or not, and when i talked to her afterwards, it turns out that she did want a rescuing after all. Ooops. So after that I headed back upstairs to the Havana Lounge and then Cameron grabbed me and was like, front doors, five minutes. So that Kim or Jen girl and I went downstairs and grabbed our jackets and then went outside. Cameron and John came out soon after and we grabbed a cab and went North. Apparently there was some house party going on and we were all invited. God knows how Cameron finds these things out. So the cab ride was uneventful. Other than being constantly messaged by dianna. I honestly didn't know where i was going. Twas intersting.
D - "Where are you?"
A - "I don't know"
D - "Whaddya mean ya don't know?"
A - "I dunno"
D- "Are you in Tequila"
A - "No, somewhere"
D - "Where?"
A - "I got kidnapped"
Heheheeeee...confusion, I love it. Showed up at the house party, wasn't a big one which was nice. Went in and right away I had a shot of Jager poured down my throat. Ooooooh...burning sensation. Anyways I just kinda sat aroud for a bit. Oh, Rebecca and Ty were there, I guess that's how Cameron found out about it. So had a few words with Rebecca, turns out Ty used to go to school out in Springbank, and that is why he looks so familiar, he's friends with Mark McCarthy, i think he used to go out, or wanted to go out with Alicia. Hmmmmm. Right. Talked with John for a while, and talked to some guy named Colin i think, interesting stories to tell. Then Cameron, John and I went outside for a smoke and Cameron pissed off the balcony yeah that was most lovely. Not. Pity the fool if anyone was walking below. Anyways after that went back inside and just stayed with that Kim or Jen girl for a bit, we went off and found a room and just shatted it up with that Colin guy some more. After that I went to the living room and sat on a chair, i think John was playing the guitar for a bit, and then he handed it off to Cameron. Played for a bit, I was busy taking to someone else to really pay attention though. Soon after Rebecca had to leave, so we all piled into her car and headed downtown to John's apartment. So we got dropped off at a Mac's right by the LRT, and were waiting for other people to come and meet us. So as we pulled into it, there was a mercedes and a lexus parked in the lot and the people in the cars were busy yelling at eachother. That was scarey, especially becuase they were Asian (I'm not racist, but this Mac's is known as a Asian Gang hangout) so yeah. And then as I was walking into it, one of the guys, he was in a suit, was just eyeing me up and down as I went in. I made sure that I didn't make eye-contact or anything that would get me in any kinda trouble. Right, so went inside, and as I went in, Cameron who was walking in front of me slipped on something and landed flat on his ass. Oh it was great. Went upstairs to the subway and waited for people as they bought some subs. Then I had to go relieve myself outside. As I finished Brittany, Jake, and some girl, Jazza? pulled up. Cameron came out and talked to them for a while, and then Dianna and Dena made there way up the street. Yeah was quite the party. So then Rebecca, Ty, and that Kim or Jen girl left to go home. I think it was about 3am already at this time. And then John gave his apartment keys to Cameron and he headed off to go look for some weed. So we made our way to John's apartment, none of the keys worked in order to get in, so we just rang some random persons doorbell and they were nice enough to let us in, even though we didn't say anything. So after we got to his floor, went in and just kinda vegged around. Dianna passed out in some corner, and the rest of us just sat in the middle of John's living room. Cameron went off and peed off the balcony, this time instead of being on the 2nd floor, he was like on the 19th floor or something like that. Again I pity the fool walking bellow. So after that we all just kinda sat and talked for a while. Then someone came up with the brilliant idea of playing spoons. Well, strip spoons anyways. So hunted down a deck of cards, and tried to find however many spoons we needed, except we couldn't find enough spoons so we used forks instead. Now that was entertaining. So we started playing, it took us a while to get used to it, but once we got the hang of it, it was actually a lot of fun indeed. Except for the stripping part. So yeah, Jazza was the first one to be completely naked. Brittany was next, Cameron came close, he was only left in his boxers. I somehow managed to take off like only my socks. Yes, just my socks. The only problem with the game was that everyone was continuously hurting themselves on the tongs of the fork, like if someone grabbed the wrong end, then they ended up with fork imprints. Yeah fun times. Then John made his way back, he somehow spent like two hours out and about, and it turns out that he smoked some crack while he was out and about. Came back inside and everyone was allowed to put their clothes back on. And we decided to play it all over again. Except this time John dug out some spoons that we could use, so that made it easier on the hands. And we started round two. And this time if someone got completely naked, they could dare someone to do something else. So that was interesting twist. And this time round I wasn't so lucky. Within the first few hands i was reduced to nothing but boxers. And then the first dare came. The three guys were to stand up, put their hands in eachothers back pockets and dance around. Except i had no pants on, so both John and Cameron grabbed the sides of my boxers and we did it. I was fine with it until i was about to sit down and I got pantsed by Cameron. I was just a bit red after that. And then I think it was the next hand after that when I lost my boxers. I was reduced to covering myself with my t-shirt. Fuckers. All of them. Meh, I guess that is just the way the cookie crumbles i guess (if that makes any sense at all???) Anyways, Cameron bugged me for a bit to lose the shirt cuz apparently he wanted to see if i "trimmed" or not. I was not impressed. Oh well. I guess next time i should wear more clothes. Yeah, so by the time all was said and done, Dena, Jazza, Britney and myself were completely naked and Cameron and John had lost like nothing at all except for their shirts. And then the game was over just like that. We all got our clothes back on and just chatted for a bit. And then the cocaine was brought out. Brittany had some stuff so they broke it up and made it into lines. So Jake, Brittany, Jazza and John did lines, and i decided that whatever was left over, I would gum. So there was a fair amount, so i wet my finger and ran it through the little line and then rubbed it on my gums. Twas interesting i guess you could say. My throat closed up a bit, so i couldn't really swallow, or that was how i felt, and then my mouth went numb. Felt almost exactly like the Novacaine that was put on my glass as a prank a while back. So i jsut sat back and experienced it for what it was. Dianna was still asleep, and yeah, we all just kinda talked, I mostly talked with Jazza and the odd time Cameron and I exchanged a few words. Actually I think that is how it went for just about everyone there. Exchanging a few words here and there. So after i think it was half an hour it was decided that it was time to leave. So we all left, Dena decided to stay and crash at John's, so it was Jazza, Jake, Dianna, Brittney, Cameron and myself all stuffed into a jeep. Fun Fun. Was a nice ride home, chatted with Cameron most of the way considering he was sitting beside me and had his arm partially around me so it was kinda cozy to say the least. At least he didn't try to scare me this time round either. So yeah, talked about sports and running and other random small talk. So the ride home was nice, except for the drivers. Considering that it was Brittney and Jazza who were driving. I mean Brittney was driving originally, except she got sick so Jazza took over from her. So that was reasurreing to know that two people high on cocaine were driving me home. Excellent. Got dropped off at Cameron's place with Dianna, somehow we managed to make it there in one piece. Her car was there so us two drove off to her place, where I crashed and got some much needed sleep. Ahhhhhhh...what a night to say the least. And it was completely legal too. Yup Yup Yup. ;-)

Friday, September 10, 2004


So after Cameron’s party I took it easy for a few days, and I really needed those days to recover. Way too much alcohol. Bye Bye liver! Heheheheeeeee, but I am not complaining at all, the times have been great thus far. So today is the story about going to Outlaws. So I called up one of my buddies, Luke, and invited him to come to Outlaws with Dianna, Cameron and I. At the last possible moment he decided to go, and so I swung by his place and waited for him. He managed to spend fifteen minutes deciding which t-shirt he wanted to wear. I was not too impressed with him, and neither was his mother…heheheeee, she is so much fun. In bed. Oops, did I just say that? *Evil Grin* Hey Luke, I’m gonna fuck your Mom…ah, wtf. Wow I am in such a prickish mood, excellent. Anyways after that I gunned it off for the city, and fuckface with me decided to bring his baggy of weed. Yeah, you’re gonna get into the club smelling like weed. Riiiiiight. So we managed to get to the train station, and somehow managed to miss two trains. I was busy convincing him not to bring his baggy with him, and in the end I won. As per usual (Despite whatever else you hear!) Anyways, Cameron was continuously messaging me wondering where I was and when I was gonna show up. Dianna did the same thing, except she summed it up in one message, not four. But whatever. Anyways got down to the club and went in. Walked around looking for everyone, and eventually found them sitting at a booth. So Dianna was the first one to arrive, and she had met some girl named Angela who worked for CJAY 92, the local rock station, and the number one rock station in Canada (It was voted as number one) anyways, Cameron was there as well, and he already had a round of draft. So as soon as I sat down he gave me one, and then as Luke went to sit down, Cameron knocked the table and ended up spilling a beer all over himself and the table. That was fantastic. So we sat around for a while, Luke was talking with Cameron, and I was talking with Dianna and Angela, was alright I guess. Oh and then Theo Fleury came by and was at the bar. At that same time Cameron got up and walked over to the bar, we all thought he was gonna talk to Fleury, but in the end all he did was just order some more draft. After that Cameron and Luke went off and played some pool, I was with Dianna and so we just stayed by the bar. I then bought all the guys a shot of Jager, so that was fun, Dianna was driving so I didn’t get her one. After that Dianna and I went off and danced for a bit on the floor, Cameron was with us, and I had no clue where Luke went off too. After a while Cameron also left, so it was just Dianna and I dancing which was alright. So yeah the night was nothing all that special. Just lots of beer and dancing. Oh and then after dancing for a while, Dianna and I went off and found Cameron and Luke at the back bar. And then a few seconds after we arrived Luke, Cameron, Dianna, the bartender girl and some other girls and I were all dancing on the bar. It was great fun to say the least, the expressions on some of the other peoples faces was priceless. So yeah, I was slightly askewed off to the side to say the least, and then the bar started to close so we all left. We all piled into Dianna’s car and went off to Denny’s. Cameron stole Dianna’s dice and was wearing them around his neck. He went into Denny’s like this as well. So we al ordered some food and then just chowed down. After that Cameron grabbed a cab home, my mother came to pick up Luke and I, and Dianna drove herself home. Overall it was an alright night, I don’t think it could have been any better as I wasn’t in the best mood for most of the night. And damn the sober girls who don’t let their friends dance with any guys. Damn them to hell…she wanted to dance with me, yet you stopped her. You BITCH!

Monday, September 06, 2004

Three guesses who's gonna be going to this?! Posted by Hello

Sunday, September 05, 2004

Great party, to bad i missed most of it...

So after Thursday night, I needed a day of rest, and that day was Friday. And by the way, there were some things I forgot to mention about my Thursday at Tequila. Or I should say, what happened after wards. So right after we left Tequila, There was Dianna, Ally, Dave, Cameron and myself and we all stumbled our ways to the car. Except for Dianna of curse cuz she was driving. But anyways it was on the way back that Dave and Cameron began talking about the Musketeers…turns out that there is something like the three musketeers going on between Dave, Cameron and some guy named John. Apparently John is just as crazy as the other two, which is just dandy. Now why I bring this up, well apparently I am the fourth musketeer…I don’t really know what that is supposed to mean, but I know in the tale of the three musketeers, there is a fourth guy brought in. As Cameron was saying to Dave… “He’s one of us….” So the question now is, do I really want to be like them? I dunno, I guess whatever happens, well, happens. And I also forgot to mention the very strategically placed cowboy hat in my previous entry…heheheeeeee, thanks Devinah for reminding me of that. By the way Devinah, you know you liked thursday night…lol…anyways, onto the shit show that was Cameron’s House Party…read on!

Ok, so it was official, there was to be jello wrestling at the party, so after I finished my shift I was singing by to pick up some beer and then I remembered this, but just to make sure that he still needed some, I gave Cameron a quick call. Good thing I did call, cuz it turns out that the mini pool that Cameron picked up for the jello, flew out the back of his trunk and was lying in pieces somewhere. So from the store I drove to his place. I was one of the first people to arrive there, from what I can remember (which is very little) I was one of the first people to arrive. I believe that Karja, Ally and Ty were already there, but I don’t really know for sure. But anyways, I was given a something of a low down on what was supposed to happen hat night, so I was glad. Oh and I also invited one of my best friends to come, Hayley and her Boyfriend, Nick, were gonna make a quick stop just so that I could say goodbye to her before she left for university. So anyways, Dave and Joey showed up, and as time went on, more and more people began to show. I was busy drinking my beer and talking to whoever was sitting at the table…yeah, had some interesting convo’s with people. At one point I accidently told Karja to bite me, and she made a good attempt at it, but I think I got away from her because I could only find two bute marks the next morning, and I know where they came from…right. So after that Cameron called me over for a shot of 151…yeah we all only did half a shot each, but I mean I also did a swig of Jager with Cameron I think earlier that evening. Anyways, after that some girl named Arlene arrived. Somehow we got talking about whips….oh that’s right, she was at Kink night the previous week, and she had a whip…right right right. Anyways it was her who ended up giving me the bite marks, cuz I was wearing my Bite Me wrist band. She bites fuckin hard, I got a mark on my shoulder and a mark on my arm from her. I hope they don’t bruise too badly. After that though Cameron broke out the beer bong. It was only 10:30 too when that happened. He and Dave disappeared for a while outside, god only knows what they were doing. Then Dianna showed up, she was drinking Countroue, I did a shot of that as well with her, actually it was a swig…omigod that stuff burns, it burns baaaaaaaaad…ack, evil oranges. So I chased that with a beer…smart stuff. Then some guy named Jamie walked in, Holy Flamer… but apparently he had been pissed off at me for something I said on deadjournal a while back, so I made sure that I made amends with him. Yeah, he knew right away that I was Roo, so I guess things worked out in the end. Anyways, when I was finished my beer, Cameron grabbed me and told me to take off my shirt, he was already shirtless, so I did and he and I went outside, Dave was already there, and he was also shirtless, and then I noticed the three beers, and I also noticed that Cameron was holding three straws. So I was gonna do my first shotgun. So stuck the straw in the bottle, and then all at once, Cameron, Dave and I shotgunned those beers back. Holy Shit. In under five seconds my MGD was gone…and I was extremely happy. And then I understood why I had taken my shirt off, cuz the some of the beer had spilt all over me. Meh. After that I went back inside to talk to Dianna. Twas quite alright. And then John showed up, introductions all around, and then John, Dave, Cameron, Dena, and myself went into the garage and we all smoked up. I only did two deep inhales of the pipe, and yeah, I was messed. Went back inside and then Hayley called me, she was right outside the door. So I made my way outside and there she was. I was tripping all over the place and I really couldn’t walk straight. So we hugged and then I introduced her to Sophie (my car) and after that Hayley, Nick and I went inside, introduced her to Cameron, and then I was off somewhere again to talk with Hayley. Then I was called outside by Dianna, so Hayley and Nick came with me. Went outside, and there was Dave and Cameron, completely buck naked except for some very strategically placed cowboy hats. Hayley was like “Omigod” yeah, it was indeed a very interesting houseparty. But after that I went inside and found a hot dog to eat. And that was when I felt sick. Found a toilet upstairs and didn’t leave it for quite a while. The toilet was unfortunately my friend that evening. It was so nice of the people who did stop in. Dianna stayed with me for a while, but then she left. Then Cameron came in, told me I was gonna be alright in about half an hour, and brought me some of his clothes that I could change into when I was done being sick. And then Arlene came in, and by that time I was already starting to pass out, so she helped me get up and helped carry me out of the bathroom. Apparently Hayley had stopped by the bathroom earlier when I was being sick, but I don’t really remember that. And as Arlene and I walked out, there was Cameron and John, both naked on the bed. Yeah, anyone who came into that room had to loose their clothes. And apparently an orgy went on in that room after I left, three guys and one girl. Three out of the four musketeers were involved, and who knows what would have happened had the fourth one not passed out (Ack! That sounds so evil…but it is true!). Yeah, I was layed down in a bed, and I passed out right away. When I woke up the next morning, and realized that I had missed most of the fucking party, I was extremely choked. And so I swear never to smoke weed ever again. Cuz I mean I am really kicking myself for passing out. Who knows what kinda stories would have arisen out of that night…fucking hell. Yeah, as you can prolly tell, I am beyond pissed off with myself. Mostly because I don’t know if there will ever be another house party again like that. But maybe I should have one sometime…oh wouldn’t that be great, I would have to empty out my house first of all cuz too much stuff worth too much money to risk over a party. But I will see what happens. And lets see….Dianna almost participated in the orgy, except she was kidnapped by some people and had an intervention…yeah…oh well…and that my friends, is the end to this story…hopefully there shall be another house party, not necessarily at Cameron’s, but his seem to be the craziest. Anyways, until next time…adios

ps…bye bye liver!

Friday, September 03, 2004

Ah hell, it all broke loose

Ok…just a bit of viewer discretion, this entry is like totally censored at some points. Tonight was a complete…complete…well for lack of better words, it was a complete drunk-fest shit show. Ohmigod there are somethings I wish I could forget but can’t...anyways without further delay, here is the story about Thursday night…

So I had been invited out to go to Tequila nightclub once again. Cameron was hosting another pre-drink at his place and I had been invited to go to that, so I showed up with my special water and some Smirnoff coolers. So I very quickly got very happy. Karja was there already, as was Ally, so we were just waiting for Dave. So after a while he showed up and he brought some guy named Joey along with him. Yeah so we did the introductions and then we were all off in Karja’s car. Now that was entertaining. Karja was driving, Ally was in the shotgun, and Dave, Joey, Cameron and myself were all stuffed in the backseat of this Honda. It was extremely cramped to say the least. Considering Dave weighs in at 240, Joey at 200, Cameron at 190, and then me at 145…I was just a bit squished against the door. But Cameron got the worst of it, he was complaining the whole time about how one “cheek” was on the door handle and the other being lower on Joey’s leg. It was quite entertaining to listen too. Yeah trying to put on our seatbelts was almost impossible, Dave was wearing one, I couldn’t even reach for mine. So while driving down along Macleod Trail, we were so weighted down in the back I could only imagine what it would look like from the outside looking in. So after a drive that seemed to last forever we finally reached Tequila, Karja went and parked in front of some school, and almost as soon as she was stopped, Cameron jumped out and went and relieved himself on this school which really wasn’t a surprise. So we all worked our way towards Tequila and I somehow managed to get in with Ally and Karja because she had booked us in somehow. So once inside I ran into Dianna, twas nice to see her. Dave, Cameron and Joey got in and then we all headed off to the bar and there we did Tequila Poppers. It was at that point that I realized there was no way I was going home sober in anyway at all. So after that I grabbed a beer and headed off to the dance floor. I danced for a bit, but then I got tired so I went off to go sit down somewhere. Found Dave and Cameron sitting, so I joined them. I just sat there and relaxed, and when the waitress came by I bought another beer. After that I was off to the dance floor yet again. Dianna and I danced for a bit and then something happened and she disappeared, I wanted to continue dancing so I found some girl and we began dancing. I believe her name was Alison, cuz I know we did a really brief introduction. Us two danced for a bit, and then a song came on that I didn’t like so I headed off once again. Found Dave and Cameron in the same place as before so I sat with them for a bit. Then it was time for Tequila, so I decided to go up for my free shot of Tequila. So after that was done a really good song came on so I found Dianna and us two began dancing and then Cameron, Dave and Ally came by so we went off and danced with them. Did that for a while before Cameron and Dave disappeared off somewhere to do shots or something, I really didn’t care. So then Dianna and I went off and danced on the stage for a while Ally was with us as well and she just kinda danced on her own, like she was with us, but it was obvious that Dianna and I were dancing together. After a while Cameron wanted to go so we all got ready to go and we were off. Karja was gone off with Joey and we had no idea where they were. So we made our way to Dianna’s car, but before we arrived, all of us guys did a bathroom break on the way to her car. So we all got in and we were off. Stopped at a Petro Canada to allow Dave and Cameron to pick up some stuff, I really didn’t know or care what it was. But I was getting cramped in the car so I also got out and went and stood with Ally. Cameron and Dave came back and somehow they began talking about scars and before I knew what was going on both of them had their pants undone and were comparing scars on their friggin dicks. I was really taken back by this, and there really are somethings I really didn’t want to know about some people. But whatever, that was nothing compared to what was going to happen later that evening. Then Cameron took off his shirt and was trying to convince me to take mine off. I really didn’t want to, besides it was cold and raining. So I was in the middle this time in the back seat, on one side I had Ally, and on the other I had a shirtless Cameron. Whaaaaa…it was really wacked out, oh god, thank God I was as drunk as I was or I would have gone insane, especially when he began trying to scare me again…*flashback to Cowboys* but anyways, made it back to Cameron’s place and we all headed down to the basement. So we all just sat around for a bit and just talked when Cameron went off and found an empty bottle and a certain set of…dice… So we all went and sat in a circle and everyone had to strip down to nothing but their underwear. It was also at this point that Cameron went around and passed around Condoms to Dave and I…very subetly and discreetly of course. Dianna and Ally left their pants on, but Ally even took off her bra. So yeah… we first started off with just spinning the bottle and rolling the dice. I was lucky, I hardly ever got chosen to do anything, I guess the various God’s were looking out for me. But lets see what did occur…ok, i will not say exactly, but I will drop a few hints... three guys, two girls, and nothing was off limits...i will never look at chocolate syrup the same way ever again...i have a huge bite mark on my left nipple from someone (Cameron...curses)... oh and yet another bruise from being shot with a BB gun, curses again...and I swear to God that guys lips and girls lips feel the exact same way. Ack! I know I shouldn't know that, but curses, I do...what else...when the lights are off and someone turns them on, close yer eyes otherwise one might become scared for life...and there really are some things I know about people that I really shouldn't and I really don't want to know. As Devinah said "i'm pretty sure it could be said that there were reasons to kill youreslf or want to drink to forget" yeah...alcohol saved my sanity that night i do believe, or whatever I had remaining of it anyways. Poor Dianna, as she told me the next day, she was waaaaaaaaaay too sober for what happened after Tequila. And yeah. I don't think anyone will ever get the full story of what occured in Cameron's basement, because what went on in the basement, stays in the basement...but anyways after Cameron ran around the basement nude, it was decided that it was time to go. Dianna and Ally packed it in, and I ended up crashing in Cameron's basement...i think i did anyways...what a sec, where did I sleep? but whatever, what a night to say the least...oh my god...what innocence and purity remains in me now? prolly not much now...Ack!

Wednesday, September 01, 2004

Hockey + Beer = Almost Heaven

Today Canada took on the USA in a World Cup of Hockey match. So I was invited out to the Rat and Parrot pub to watch the game with some people. Cameron had invited me to join them for the game. So showed up about twenty minutes late thanks to the traffic in Calgary. But anyways, place seemed really nice. Nancy, Karja, Melissa and Cameron were already there. So I sat down and tried to watch the game except that everyone was talking for most of it. Spoke of the donkies yet again. Oh, Nancy had a postcard that Mala had sent from Montreal, and this is somewhat significant cause for a third of the card all she did was talk about Cameron. Made me laugh. But yeah, Cameron was constantly calling Ally to come and join us but she didn't show up for a while. But from what I watched of the game, it was a pretty good one. One of the most colourful conversations occured when Cameron began talking about his up-coming house party and what he wanted to do for it. So he wants there to be Jello wrestling and if anyone shows up, they are supposed to bring premade Jello. What a crazy person he is. Appartently last year it was slip n' slide, so this year he wants to top that, and he wants to top it using Jello wrestling. It really made me wonder if there is anything somewhat normal or sane about this guy. After that, Cameron, Karja and Nancy all went off to play some pool, so I just stayed up in the booth with Melissa and we just kinda chit chatted back and forth, did our best considering we were almost complete strangers to eachother. She seems to be really nice, and really down to Earth. Also turns out that she is one of Cameron's exs but meh. After a while Cameron came back up to the booth and talked with just Melissa and I. It was a very interesting conversation and one that was asked of me to remain with me until, well, until the end of time I guess. But turns out that Cameron is likely to be moving to Montreal soon. Oh well. For the short time we have known eachother it certainly has been fun to say the least. But yeah, after a bit Nancy and Karja came back up and then Ally finally joined us. Canada ended up winning the game, of course. Ally seems to be really nice she was the girl electrical taping her bra for Kink night the previous friday. But anyways after that we all began discussing something, I can't honestly remember what, and I only had one stella too! But whatever. After a while, i think it was about an hour after the game had ended, we all packed it in. So I just headed on home. Dianna was supposed to shw up for the game,but apparently she had some car trouble. Oh well. Maybe next time there is a game she can be there. Anyways, that's it!