Great party, to bad i missed most of it...
Ok, so it was official, there was to be jello wrestling at the party, so after I finished my shift I was singing by to pick up some beer and then I remembered this, but just to make sure that he still needed some, I gave Cameron a quick call. Good thing I did call, cuz it turns out that the mini pool that Cameron picked up for the jello, flew out the back of his trunk and was lying in pieces somewhere. So from the store I drove to his place. I was one of the first people to arrive there, from what I can remember (which is very little) I was one of the first people to arrive. I believe that Karja, Ally and Ty were already there, but I don’t really know for sure. But anyways, I was given a something of a low down on what was supposed to happen hat night, so I was glad. Oh and I also invited one of my best friends to come, Hayley and her Boyfriend, Nick, were gonna make a quick stop just so that I could say goodbye to her before she left for university. So anyways, Dave and Joey showed up, and as time went on, more and more people began to show. I was busy drinking my beer and talking to whoever was sitting at the table…yeah, had some interesting convo’s with people. At one point I accidently told Karja to bite me, and she made a good attempt at it, but I think I got away from her because I could only find two bute marks the next morning, and I know where they came from…right. So after that Cameron called me over for a shot of 151…yeah we all only did half a shot each, but I mean I also did a swig of Jager with Cameron I think earlier that evening. Anyways, after that some girl named Arlene arrived. Somehow we got talking about whips….oh that’s right, she was at Kink night the previous week, and she had a whip…right right right. Anyways it was her who ended up giving me the bite marks, cuz I was wearing my Bite Me wrist band. She bites fuckin hard, I got a mark on my shoulder and a mark on my arm from her. I hope they don’t bruise too badly. After that though Cameron broke out the beer bong. It was only 10:30 too when that happened. He and Dave disappeared for a while outside, god only knows what they were doing. Then Dianna showed up, she was drinking Countroue, I did a shot of that as well with her, actually it was a swig…omigod that stuff burns, it burns baaaaaaaaad…ack, evil oranges. So I chased that with a beer…smart stuff. Then some guy named Jamie walked in, Holy Flamer… but apparently he had been pissed off at me for something I said on deadjournal a while back, so I made sure that I made amends with him. Yeah, he knew right away that I was Roo, so I guess things worked out in the end. Anyways, when I was finished my beer, Cameron grabbed me and told me to take off my shirt, he was already shirtless, so I did and he and I went outside, Dave was already there, and he was also shirtless, and then I noticed the three beers, and I also noticed that Cameron was holding three straws. So I was gonna do my first shotgun. So stuck the straw in the bottle, and then all at once, Cameron, Dave and I shotgunned those beers back. Holy Shit. In under five seconds my MGD was gone…and I was extremely happy. And then I understood why I had taken my shirt off, cuz the some of the beer had spilt all over me. Meh. After that I went back inside to talk to Dianna. Twas quite alright. And then John showed up, introductions all around, and then John, Dave, Cameron, Dena, and myself went into the garage and we all smoked up. I only did two deep inhales of the pipe, and yeah, I was messed. Went back inside and then Hayley called me, she was right outside the door. So I made my way outside and there she was. I was tripping all over the place and I really couldn’t walk straight. So we hugged and then I introduced her to Sophie (my car) and after that Hayley, Nick and I went inside, introduced her to Cameron, and then I was off somewhere again to talk with Hayley. Then I was called outside by Dianna, so Hayley and Nick came with me. Went outside, and there was Dave and Cameron, completely buck naked except for some very strategically placed cowboy hats. Hayley was like “Omigod” yeah, it was indeed a very interesting houseparty. But after that I went inside and found a hot dog to eat. And that was when I felt sick. Found a toilet upstairs and didn’t leave it for quite a while. The toilet was unfortunately my friend that evening. It was so nice of the people who did stop in. Dianna stayed with me for a while, but then she left. Then Cameron came in, told me I was gonna be alright in about half an hour, and brought me some of his clothes that I could change into when I was done being sick. And then Arlene came in, and by that time I was already starting to pass out, so she helped me get up and helped carry me out of the bathroom. Apparently Hayley had stopped by the bathroom earlier when I was being sick, but I don’t really remember that. And as Arlene and I walked out, there was Cameron and John, both naked on the bed. Yeah, anyone who came into that room had to loose their clothes. And apparently an orgy went on in that room after I left, three guys and one girl. Three out of the four musketeers were involved, and who knows what would have happened had the fourth one not passed out (Ack! That sounds so evil…but it is true!). Yeah, I was layed down in a bed, and I passed out right away. When I woke up the next morning, and realized that I had missed most of the fucking party, I was extremely choked. And so I swear never to smoke weed ever again. Cuz I mean I am really kicking myself for passing out. Who knows what kinda stories would have arisen out of that night…fucking hell. Yeah, as you can prolly tell, I am beyond pissed off with myself. Mostly because I don’t know if there will ever be another house party again like that. But maybe I should have one sometime…oh wouldn’t that be great, I would have to empty out my house first of all cuz too much stuff worth too much money to risk over a party. But I will see what happens. And lets see….Dianna almost participated in the orgy, except she was kidnapped by some people and had an intervention…yeah…oh well…and that my friends, is the end to this story…hopefully there shall be another house party, not necessarily at Cameron’s, but his seem to be the craziest. Anyways, until next time…adios
ps…bye bye liver!
i was kicked out of the bathroom by cameron
were you? oh that's right, cuz he had to take a piss...yeah i remember thinking that was lovely to be listening was then that he brought in the clothes, wow, another piece to the puzzle...
yes i was kicked out of the bathroom and not allowed back in and then i was trapped in the bedroom cause people didn't want me to leave and besides i was busy drinking my gin and orange juice, and then the intervention happened and i was locked in the bathroom with jamie giving me a heart to heart
hAhA...twas a great night, intervention, they should bloody well let you do what you want...heheheee
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