Where do I begin?
June 28, 29 or 30...i seem to have forgotten...meh...
Sooo...Tonight i went to my first 'club' ever. It was fantastic. Luke and his sister invited me out so I went. We all met at there place and then we had a limo come out and pick us up. The limo driver was insane to say the least speeding around corners and whatnot. So once we got down to the Mynt Ultralounge (How Corny, really) but anyways. We had no line or cover and we had VIP stuff so that was sweet. The place is pretty nice, it was packed, so we made our way to the rooftop patio and there Chan's BF bought me a beer. Then we went downstairs and found a table for us, I bought some smirnoff ice and yeah, just really enjoyed myself. Then we all went dancing, the DJ was pretty good, but now looking back he was really just ok. At one point when I was out dancing, some girl came up and tried to start dancing with me. I was stil new at this, so i had no idea what was happening so i accidently my back onher. Luke was shitting himself cuz this girl was H-O-T and i turned her down. He was pissed off at me and was swearing and all that shit. But whatever. Sat and talked with Chan for a while and then her BF bought everyone a shot of Jager, never tasted the stuff before and yeah....definetly an acquired taste. From there we stayed till two and then we went wandering around looking for food. We found a pizza joint and found some really really god pizza. Yum Yum. From there we called two cabs and sat on the grass and smoked and laughed. Chan was singing the Penis song and I was almost pissing myself from laughing so hard.
"Too big to fit in here, too big to fit in here, too big to fit in here, oh Oh oH OH! Your penis is so Big, your Penis is so BIG!" Yes, grand times. Took the cab back out to good ol' S-Bank and sat on his deck for a while with Chan and Mike yea...good times. And then I went and crashed in the guest room downstairs. They have i think four or five bedrooms in there house so there was plenty of room for everyone. and that was that. My first bar/club experience. Ciao!
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